Hello, my name is Greg Berg and welcome to the OurGlass blog.

Very soon I will begin work on a novel I’ve wanted to write for over a year. This novel is called, OurGlass. Parts of it have already begun, but during my recent proposal process I’ve decided to rethink much of it to enhance the story.

My novel is being written in part by my own desire and what is being asked of me as a student in my college program, Creative Communications. For my second year I need to complete an assignment called, the Independent Professional Project. For this assignment I’ve chosen to write my science-fiction/fantasy novel, OurGlass. I look forward to this process and to the sense of accomplishment I will have upon completion of this work.

I will blog to you weekly about my progress in writing the world of OurGlass.

Synopsis of the novel to follow in my first OurGlass post.